Soybean MAUS-725 Duration : 95-100 Days (Early Maturing) No. of seed/pod : 3-4 (40% 4 pod seed) Seed colour : Unique -Yellow color seeds with Black hilum. Glabrous plant and pods type Hairiness can be seen on pods Resistant to pest and diseases – YMV, Sucking pests Yield – 10-12 qtl / Acre. SOYBEAN 9305 Determinate and erect growth habit.Dark green colour leaves, Lanceolate leaves and flower color violet.Bold seed size, three & four seeded pod, seed coat color lusture.Maturity of pods in 90-95 days. High Yield 10 to 12 Qtls/AcerSeed Rate is 30 kg/acre SOYBEAN KDS-726 [PHULE SANGAM] Plant growth semi-erect to horizontal.Grain size is large & oil recovery% is better.Maturity of pods in 100-105 days. High Yield 12 to 15 Qtls/AcerResistant to Rust disease & tolerant to major pests. Seed Rate is 25-30 kg/acre KDS – 753 [PHULE KIMAYA] Early maturity. Maturity of Pods in 90 to 100 days. High yield 13 to 15 Qtls/Acre.Rust resistantSeed Rate is 25-30 kg/acre Mous-612 Three seeded pods 90%Resistant to major pests and diseases.cultivation-Row to row distance-18 inch.Water stress resistant.Seed Rate is 30 kg/acreHigh germination ability.High Yield 12 to 14 Qtls/Acer JS 335 Water requirement: Water is not required in kharif season, but it necessar to require 1 or 2 irrigation as per requirement.Specialty: Resistant to bacterial pustule, bacterial blight and tolerant to green mosaic. Susceptible to YMV.Shape and type: Purple flowers, semi-determinate, resistant to shattering. black hilum. Performs well inEastern and Southern states.Seed Rate is 30 kg/acreMaturity of Pods 95-100 DaysHigh Yield 10 to 12 Qtls/Acer DS 228 [Phule Kalyani] Maturity of Pods 95-100 Days Seed Rate is 30 kg/AcreHigh Yield 9-10 Qtls/AcrePlant growth habit determinate, seed size medium, hilum colour brown. KDS-992 [Phule Durva] Maturity of Pods 90-95 daysHigh Yield 18-22 Qtls/AcreSeed Rate is 25 kg/AcerPlant Height is 2.5-4 feetPlant growth semi-determinate, seed size medium, flower colour violet ASM-1001 Maturity of Pods 95-100 DaysHigh Yield 10-12 Qtls/AcerSeed Rate is 25kg/AcerDeterminate growth, semi-erect, pointed ovate dark green leaves, purple flowerpod pubescence absent, yellow spherical seeds with grey hilum. Resistant to root rot, YMV, alternaria leaf spot Download